Total Marks Of 12Th Class (Lahore Board)

Are you a student of the 12th class Lahore Board and wondering about the total marks for your exams? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will provide you with the solution to this query: What are the total marks of 12th class Lahore Board? So, let’s dive straight into the answer and explore the important details you need to know. Remember, knowledge is power, and being well-informed is essential for your academic success. Stay with us to find out everything you need to know about the total marks of the 12th class Lahore Board.

Total Marks of 12th Class (Lahore Board)

What are the Total Marks of 12th Class Lahore Board?


The total marks of the 12th class examination conducted by the Lahore Board in Punjab, Pakistan, is an essential aspect for students, parents, and educators. Understanding the grading system and the maximum marks allocated to each subject helps in setting realistic goals and preparing effectively for the exams. In this article, we will delve into the details of the total marks structure for the 12th class Lahore Board examination.

Grading System

The Lahore Board follows a comprehensive grading system that determines the overall performance of students in the 12th class examination. The grading system is designed to assess the level of knowledge, skills, and understanding a student has acquired throughout their academic journey. The total marks of the 12th class examination play a crucial role in this grading system.

Subjects and Total Marks Allocation

The 12th class examination offered by the Lahore Board covers a wide range of subjects, and each subject has a specific number of maximum marks assigned to it. Here is a breakdown of some popular subjects and their respective total marks allocation:

  • English: The maximum marks allocated to the English subject in the 12th class examination is 200.
  • Urdu: The Urdu subject also carries a total of 200 marks.
  • Mathematics: Mathematics is generally assigned a maximum of 150 marks.
  • Physics: The total marks allocation for the Physics subject is usually 150.
  • Chemistry: Chemistry, like Physics, carries a maximum of 150 marks.
  • Biology: Students opting for the Biology subject can expect a total of 200 marks.
  • Economics: A maximum of 100 marks is allocated to the Economics subject.
  • Computer Science: The Computer Science subject carries 100 marks.

It is important to note that the total marks for each subject may vary slightly from year to year, and it is advisable to refer to the official Lahore Board website or the examination guidelines for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Practical Examinations

Apart from the written examinations, the 12th class Lahore Board examination also includes practical examinations for certain subjects. These practical assessments are designed to evaluate a student’s ability to apply theoretical concepts in a hands-on manner. The maximum marks allocated to the practical examinations vary depending on the subject. For example:

  • Physics and Chemistry: Practical examinations for Physics and Chemistry subjects usually carry a maximum of 30 marks each.
  • Biology: The Biology practical examination is generally assigned a maximum of 30 to 40 marks.
  • Computer Science: Practical assessments for Computer Science typically carry 30 to 40 marks.

It is crucial for students to prepare thoroughly for practical examinations as they contribute significantly to the overall marks and grades achieved in the 12th class Lahore Board examination.

Aggregate Calculation

To determine the final result, the Lahore Board follows an aggregate calculation method that takes into account the total marks obtained in all subjects. The aggregate calculation is based on the percentage of marks achieved in each subject. The highest marks in each subject are scaled to 100, and the remaining subject marks are proportionally adjusted based on this scaling.

For example, if a student scores 180 out of 200 in English (90%), 135 out of 150 in Mathematics (90%), and 140 out of 200 in Biology (70%), the aggregate percentage would be calculated as follows:

[(90/100) + (90/100) + (70/100)] / 3 = 83.33%

The aggregate percentage obtained by a student determines their overall grade in the 12th class examination.

The total marks of the 12th class Lahore Board examination play a significant role in assessing a student’s performance and determining their overall grade. Understanding the total marks allocation for each subject, including practical examinations, helps students set realistic goals and prepare effectively. By familiarizing themselves with the grading system and aggregate calculation, students can strive for academic success and achieve their desired results.

Marks Division FA| FA total subjects| FA total marks| FA lahore board total subjects

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the total marks for 12th class examination in Lahore Board?

The total marks for the 12th class examination conducted by the Lahore Board may vary depending on the specific subjects and their corresponding weightage. However, typically, the total marks for the 12th class examination range between 1100 to 1200 marks.

How are the total marks distributed for the 12th class Lahore Board examination?

The total marks for the 12th class Lahore Board examination are distributed among the various subjects studied by the students. Each subject is assigned a specific weightage of marks, which may differ based on the subject’s importance and complexity. The marks are allocated for both theory and practical components of the subjects.

Are the total marks the same for all the subjects in the 12th class Lahore Board examination?

No, the total marks allocated for each subject may vary in the 12th class Lahore Board examination. Some subjects may carry more marks compared to others based on the curriculum and the requirements of the respective subject. It is essential to check the official examination guidelines or consult with the Lahore Board to know the specific marks distribution for each subject.

Can the total marks of the 12th class Lahore Board examination be changed?

The total marks for the 12th class Lahore Board examination are determined by the education board and are usually fixed for a specific academic year. Any changes or modifications to the total marks would be announced by the board if necessary. It is advisable to stay updated with the official notifications released by the Lahore Board for any changes in the examination format or total marks.

Final Thoughts

The total marks of 12th class Lahore Board exams are 1100. These exams are conducted by the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) Lahore. Students in Lahore, Pakistan, who are studying in the 12th grade, must appear for these exams to obtain their final grades. The 12th class exams are an important milestone for students as they determine their eligibility for higher education and future career opportunities. It is crucial for students to understand the marking scheme and syllabus of the Lahore Board exams to score well and achieve their academic goals.

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